Sunday, July 17, 2005

Sundays in the land of the munchcins and runaways

Enjoying some much needed fresh air today, the kids went "swimming " in the little pool in the backyard.... The kids were having fun..Then they started complaining...They did not want to be splashed by the other...So after I had scolded the 2 older ones, on not splashing others when they do not want to be splashed..The Boy takes his foot and kicks water at the middle spawn..

She starts crying..I say to The Boy...Go to your room for that..I just told you not to splash...This is what I hear:.....TB: "I know your just saying this because you want me to run away"
ME: "whatever"
TB: "Ok that is it. I am running away..You can not stop me...I know you want me to leave you like all the girls better"
ME: "noone wants you to run away"
TB: "well fine..One day I will make you happy..I will leave and I will never come back..Never ever"

So after that fight was over and we told him that noone wants him to run away..My hubby and I decided that this child should enter some kind of drama class..Really he puts on a better show many soaps I have seen...
This kids wants to live in a mansion and be the richest kid on our block..LOL...Well I am gonna make him work for it..:)...For some reason money is a big deal to him..He is always wanting to know how much money we have..How much things cost..I tell him.." We own 2 houses..We have 2 student loan card bills,insurance on 2 cars,payments on one,groceries for 5,plus all the other expenses one may have...Kid we have no money"..LOL.....He didn't like the sound of that..He says "how can I live in a mansion if we have no money?"...I said.."Good question"...:)

Reason number one you should invest in buying "little swimmers" if your baby is going to get wet..She can barely get around with that load..:)


eyes_only4him said...

still do:)

Tammy said...

Aww, how cute. Love the pictures.

The English Student said...

Aww, I remember having a little pool like that and swimming around on a hot summer day. I thought that it was the greatest thing in the world.

Anonymous said...

These are really great pics. My oldest screams "Go Away" to me. I can't believe the stuff that comes out of their mouths. Help!:) Hope that you all fare well tomorrow!

Just Me said...

so that's what i'll look like when i get old...i remember how expensive diapers i plan on getting the most for my money when i start wearing depends!!

Jennifer said...

This is a great picture. The water logged diaper is priceless

Cindy said...

Total cuteness - I LOVE the diaper butt!