Thursday, June 09, 2005

Mighty strong skeeters

I don't understand..The bugs around here are like some kind nuclear warfare bugs...Nothing can kill them...Before I send the kiddies out to play..They are doused with off bug spray....And I mean if someone were to throw a match close..They would go into spontaious combustion....Yet every night when they come inside form playing all day......They have massive bug wounds covering varies parts of their bodies...And mind you..If they are outside for more than 2 hours..I have them come back in so I can reaaply there combat suits...I just don't get it....When I was little it seemed bug spray use to work....Either the bugs of the new millennium are way to powerful to withstand my fruitle attempts to keep them at bay....Or the bugspray that off produces is just not up to speed with today's bugs....I tell you..I have some superior bugs here...Even my ants that live with me....When I step on one...It keeps crawling...My weight..Put on their tiny crap seed of a body..Can keep on goin after it has been spaushed...I give it..I am officially surrendering to the mighty insect for they have more power than I...They are just laughing at me...When I walk by..They point and laugh...And I am tired of it....One of these days I tell ya...One of these days...Pow I will rid the world of them all:-)


eyes_only4him said...

where do you get that?..I dont think I have ever heard of it..please enlighten me wise sandgirl...if kills skeetrs..i am all over it

J&J's Mom said...

I cut an ant in half yesterday trying to kill it and the head and front pair of legs ran around for 2 whole minutes!! Dumb bugs.

eyes_only4him said...

holy crap....i see you are dealing wih the unstoppable kind as well

Jamie Dawn said...

Ants can be a nightmare!

As for the kiddos, try Avon's Skin So Soft. It is supposedly the best bug repellant. ?????

DBFrank said...

I was always a fan of DEEP WOODS OFF. My X was an Avon lady and tried to get me to use the SSS. I think the bugs we haver round here drink that stuff up like it was their version of JD...