Saturday, June 11, 2005

Youth Gone Wild

Well today I have decided to share with all and a reminder to the members of my family a time when I was little when I got into a heap of trouble...And so the story goes...

When I was about 8 and my sister was about 6(I may have the ages off a bit...But I am close)....My parents and us were getting ready to go away..It was Saturday afternoon in our small town in Michigan..While my parents were in the house getting ready,my sister and I were playing outside..I came up with the bright idea to play in my dads little truck..kinda like an s-10 if I remember right..Anyway it was a small truck.....

So we were fooling around in the truck..I was in the drivers side...My sister on the passenger side...We were "going for a ride"...Just pretending of course...Then I decided to play with gear shift..(it was a stick shift)...And as I was trying to get her into gear..(pretending anyway)...The damn truck started to roll backwards..Yup it sure did...I was shocked...My sister who was scared out of her wits made the stupid descion to try and jump out while the truck was moving backwards..Well she somehow ended up underneath this moving truck....I kid you not...Well me in a panic runs into the house...(my mom was in the bathtub)..I tell her that my sister was playing in the truck and must have done something wrong because she was under the truck and it was going backwards into the street....(notice I did not say I was in the truck..Or that I had put it into gear)...Well my mother jumps out of the tub..Calls for my dad..As he had clothes on...And they go outside..And there was the truck...In the middle of the street nearly in the neighbor across the ways driveway....And my sister trapped under it...Well her leg stopped the truck from traveling around the neighborhood causing mayhem...The truck did not roll over her leg..It just merely used her leg as a bumper to stop....Well I got in a hellaof alot trouble trouble over that one...Yup....Grounded..Spanked...The whole bit....Not sure my sister got in trouble at all...And she was in the car with me playing....Oh well....Live and learn is what I always say.:-)


Jamie Dawn said...

Things like that scare parents to DEATH. It's a wonder you survived their shock & anger!

J&J's Mom said...

I think you'd be dead right now if you were my kid..I'd a killed ya!!! Thank God everyone was okay...My Dad did the same thing to himself...he had already broken his arm and as he was getting out of his truck had forgotten to set the emergency brake...he was on a hill the truck knocked him over and ran over his other breaks this time thank goodness.