I have a few things pissing me off . First up I think I left Pat back in the homeland..He/she is missing. I thought I had him/her in one of my bags, and lo and behold she/he aint there. I think IT may be in the back of my new mommys car, but crap they are in Vegas doin it like rabbits so I have to wait till they get home to ask her to check. I cant run without my Ipod. I try turning on my Itunes and blaring it from the PC, but it just don't cut it....I hate u PAt and Applesucksasses, but damn I miss him/her.
I bought a new bag of dog food. I buy the kind for the small chicken size dogs, cuz hell, my dog is about the size of a rat...My one cat is bigger then she is...Anyway, why do they have to make cat and dog food for special breeds and sizes? The way I see it, my dog is gonna eat what she wants. If she were say a wolf, and out in Gods country, she would not look at a dead deer and say shit, I cant eat that, I just way to small to chew that...
And what's with the Indoor cat food formula? My two cats are indoor cats, but why do they need special indoor formula? Lets say they got outside, and lets say they found a mouse..Would they say hey wait, my kibble don't normally run..I need my indoor cat formula..I think not. Why do the dog and cat food makers think we are retards? I will tell you why...cuz we buy the shit and they are sitting in their offices laughing their as$es off at us.
My dog refuses to eat said dogfood. All she will eat is cat food. So I am no longer going to buy Dogchow for small breed dogs, instead I am buying Purina indoor cat formula for the mixed gender pussy cats....There has to be a brand for dog that thinks she a cat...
Its a site to behold, my two cats and one dog/cat sharing a bowl of kibble.
Another thing that is pissing me off. Its cold out. Tuesday it was 60 degrees and I wake up Wednesday and its 11 degrees. How does that happen? It did not get above 20 degrees yesterday. That is wrong..All wrong.
My Boo has decided she will only eat spaghetti and pancakes. I suspect she will die of starvation sometime around next Tuesday.
Blondie comes home and insist on trying some new foods. She wants me to make broccoli and stuffing with our dinner. Normally I make these items and she pretends to vomit in her mouth.
Oh Blondie wants to join wreslting...Who encourages kids to beat the shit out of eachother? And why does she insist on wanting to do so? Is it odd for first graders, and GIRL first graders to participate in wrestling?..I mean have U seen my blondie? She is a bean pole with the face of a blonde haired demon. She would so kick some major ass.
Butch tells her its way to dangerous to wrestle. Now I am not sure if he is worried about her well being, or his. Cause that girl can already open a can of whoop ass on that boy..
I need to think about all this...No one in my house is right in the head. They are all crazy..Every last one of them.
I hope Santa brings me a years supply of sleeping and anxiety pills along with a coupon for liposutction.
Bee Real