Thursday, December 11, 2008

a little ditty, bout jack and diane

I don't really have much to blog about right now..

Sure I have gym stories, sure I have tot stories...

But guess what..I have a video..

A video outweighs a good story any day..

I have a feeling I will be failing a test soon..

I know..random..

Here is the video..

Oh and my dog knocked down my tree and I do not want to put it back up but everyone else is making me..

Ok, here is the video, I swear to God..


Anonymous said...

Loved it! I've never heard the first one. It's right up there with 'Gobble, Gobble Fat Turkeys' which is a Thanksgiving fav at our house. I need to listen again so I can add this one to our special holiday songs. Make sure you're wearing shorts tonight unless you are planning on picking up one of your special friends!

eyes_only4him said...

these are the lyrics..

"a chubby little snowman had a carrot nose, along came a bunny and wht do u suppose? That hungry little snowman, looking for his lunch, ate the little snowmans nose, nibble nibble crunch!..

its destined to be a classic..

I went to the gym this morning, wore my shorts there;)

eyes_only4him said...

ok, in the lyric i mean "the hungy little bunny, looking for his lunch"....I fucked up, sorry.

Lola said...

it says the video isn't available
don't keep me hanging like that
tis cruel

eyes_only4him said...

what?....that aint should be there..what the hell?...I have it posted on facebook too, u can see it there..

let me know when u can see it, cause I dont know why its not there for u..damn

eyes_only4him said...

Ok, its working for me...try again

Lola said...

okay i found it-technical glitches
just watched it
so very cute!!!!

eyes_only4him said...

ok, good...I am glad it worked for ya..

Haphazardkat said...

ha ha ha ha!!
Way to vid yer kidlets singin about chubbys!

Seriously cute.


eyes_only4him said...

now my middle kid is bummed so i had to make one with her, since she was not home at the time...

damn tots...

Unknown said...

Huh, what? Oh, a video? Sorry, I was distracted by Zac over in the sidebar there...

Shannon said...

Loved it! Especially your son in the background, lol. Now I can stop worrying about my 11 year old, haha.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear're pregnant?

eyes_only4him said...

I know..he is a tad distracting..

Well if your son acts like mine, I am not sure if its normal or not..haha

WTF?...Oh holy hell no!

Why I outta wash your mouth out..

Jennybean said...

Awww your kiddos are too cute!

Love the song!

eyes_only4him said...

thanks...thats a little song she is singing at her xmas program next week and it just makes me giggle when she sings it..

Anonymous said...

You said you were going to fail a test soon. That's the first thing that came to mind.

eyes_only4him said...

Oh Jesus....Not that kinda test...A test for a job I sent a resume for, it has math on it..

but damn, u gave me quite a scare..

Scarlet said...

She's a future star, and the boy's not bad either...but where are YOU?? I wanna hear you sing, woman!

Btw, I heard you were pregnant. ;)

Jen - Queen of Poo said...

Aw, that was sweet!

eyes_only4him said...

your fixin for a beating!..this is how rumors get started..hahahahaha


Rockstar Mom said...

I'm on the Kel train. That's what I thought too.

JoeinVegas said...

Thanks, I needed that.

Humincat said...

So is it a boy or a girl? HAHAHA! I loved how in the very last seconds of the video your son started to rock out! I wonder where he gets that from, huh Rocker Mom?

Unknown said...

that is so cool. lol I have something on my blog for you

Kendra Lynn said...

Very lovely vocalists....Merry CHristmas!


Sheri said...

I thought it was the rabbit test as well.

Monogram Queen said...

Sorry I can't look at the vid at work. My loss *sigh*